Nikita Ducarroz just took an impressive Silver Medal home from the 2022 UCI World Championships in Abu Dhabi! Despite having to battle through sickness, lack of practice, and a first run gone wrong, Nikita stepped it up in her second run to put down a solid score for the Silver. Plus, she got to ride a camel in the desert! We caught up with Nikita after her big weekend:

Congrats on Silver at the World Championships! What was your mind set going into this event?
NIKITA: It was actually pretty crazy leading up to this year’s Worlds. Compared to last year where I felt incredibly prepared, this year I didn’t quite feel ready and then I got sick unexpectedly and had to spend 5 weeks off my bike with no physical activity. Until a week before leaving, I wasn’t sure if I could even ride at worlds! Luckily, I got the all clear and got 5 days of practice under my belt. Because of all this, I really just went into the event being happy/relieved that I even made It. I still really wanted a podium, but I knew my riding would not be where I wanted it to be and I’d have to work with that.
How did you like the course?
NIKITA: I really enjoyed the course! I do wish I would have had more time to figure it out as were always a bit rushed with practice, but it was probably my favorite course of the tour this year.

How has riding at DDASC help you get ready for this?
Just having the facility to ride every day, rain, or shine, is such a great thing. It really keeps me focused being out there and I’m really happy I made the move 2 years ago. I definitely have a lot more work to do so glad I have that place!
What else did you do while out in Abu Dhabi?
So many things! I made it a goal this trip, as someone who tends to stick close to the hotel, that I would try and spend the least amount of time inside. We had a resort style pool/beach front at the hotel which we spent a lot of time at, went around to shops in the city, and even made a trip out to the desert to ride camels, sand board, and drift in the dunes! It was probably the most fun trip I’ve been on so far!

What's next for Nikita?
We have one final World Cup in Australia in about 3 weeks, so I’ll try to get a bit more prepared for that! Then getting into gear for the 2023 season which is already starting to get pretty busy.